Frisson - A psychophysiological response to auditory and/or visual stimuli that often induces a pleasurable or positively valanced affective state.

Also known as aesthetic or musical chills, it is characterised by goosebumps on the skin.

Music is perhaps one of the most overlooked art forms, yet is one that nobody can live without.The power and influence held by it is undebatable; it holds the ability to invoke long-lost memories, to transport us to a certain place, to unconsciously create a happy place within our minds. Often times, one will find themselves listening to a similar genre of music throughout their entire life, which can elevate this phenomenon in their mind, as memories spanning decades can be associated with the same style of music.

Frisson is an abstract project. Throughout, my identity as influenced by the music I listen to is visualised in images that represent the fluid, emotional, flowing nature of sounds and music in a visual form. Interjected by equally abstract self portraits, Frisson’s images as a collective perfectly represent the very word by which they are named, as well as forming the start of an exploration into the hectic and colourful mind I have the pleasure of calling my own.

Frisson is concluded in a hard back A4 style photobook with a dark blue cover and gold embossed title.